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Our Annual General Meeting will be on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at 11:45 am following the Sunday Service. 

 We currently have 177 members. While everyone is invited to attend it is vitally important for members to be present as we have a bylaw that requires 50% of our membership to be present at a duly called meeting of the Membership.  It is your responsibility as a Member of GDAC to attend such called meetings. Please make it a priority. The other members are counting on you.

We are grateful for your ongoing commitment to the GDAC family and look forward with faith and expectation to how God will lead us into His preferred future for us all.

You can download the Agenda and Annual Report below.  Hard copies are available at the welcome information desk.  Please take time to read these reports and should you have any general questions or questions about the budget, please contact Pastor Steve at or your Elders Board.